The rising alternative in math publishing


We be­lieve sci­entif­ic pub­lish­ing should be an in­dustry that helps rather than hinders schol­arly activ­ity. High-qual­ity re­search de­mands high-qual­ity com­mu­nic­a­tion — widely, rap­idly and eas­ily ac­cess­ible to all — and MSP works to fa­cil­it­ate it.

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New and Forthcoming

  • Journals:
    • Algebraic Statistics
    • Probability and Mathematical Physics

What’s New at MSP

Subscription prices constant for 2021

In con­sid­er­a­tion of the ef­fects of the COV­ID-19 pan­dem­ic, MSP is pleased to an­nounce that we can keep sub­scrip­tion prices for 2021 con­stant from 2024. Thank you for sup­port­ing schol­ar-led non­profit pub­lish­ing.

Free access in developing countries through EIFL

MSP signed a new agree­ment with EIFL that provides free ac­cess to MSP’s journ­als, open to lib­rar­ies in these 29 coun­tries: Al­bania, Ar­menia, Congo (Demo­crat­ic Re­pub­lic), Ethiopia, Fiji, Geor­gia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Kosovo, Kyrgyz­stan, Laos, Leso­tho, Malawi, Mal­dives, Mol­dova, My­an­mar, Nam­i­bia, Nepal, North Mace­do­nia, Palestine, Seneg­al, Su­dan, Tan­zania, Ukraine, Uganda, Uzbek­istan, Zam­bia, Zi­m­b­ab­we.

In­ter­ested lib­rar­ies should com­plete the li­cence ac­cept­ance form which they can ob­tain from the EIFL Li­cens­ing Co­ordin­at­or in their coun­try. Elec­tron­ic In­form­a­tion for Lib­rar­ies (EIFL) is a not-for-profit or­gan­iz­a­tion that works with lib­rar­ies to en­able ac­cess to know­ledge in de­vel­op­ing and trans­ition eco­nomy coun­tries in Africa, Asia Pa­cific, Europe and Lat­in Amer­ica.

New journals in 2024

Two new journ­als will be­come avail­able from MSP in 2024:

  • Al­geb­ra­ic Stat­ist­ics
  • Prob­ab­il­ity and Math­em­at­ic­al Phys­ics
Half-priced subscriptions for developing countries

Start­ing in 2024, MSP is pleased to of­fer a nearly 50% dis­count on the MSP Pack­age to in­sti­tu­tions in coun­tries of lower-middle and low in­come (as clas­si­fied by the World Bank).

To take ad­vant­age of this dis­count, please simply start a sub­scrip­tion through MSP or through your pre­ferred agent, and make sure to men­tion that your in­sti­tu­tion is eli­gible for the De­vel­op­ing Coun­try Dis­count. (For in­sti­tu­tions in In­dia, please note that MSP’s ex­clus­ive dis­trib­ut­or is Hindus­tan Book Agency.)

A new place to read our journals: MSP on Euclid

MSP, 小草破解版app, and Duke Uni­versity Press have partnered to of­fer MSP on Eu­c­lid, a col­lec­tion of the same sev­en journ­als pub­lished and sold as a bundle by MSP but now en­hanced by the func­tion­al­ity of the Pro­ject Eu­c­lid plat­form. MSP on Eu­c­lid is an al­tern­at­ive way of pur­chas­ing and ac­cess­ing this elec­tron­ic col­lec­tion of MSP titles, and is avail­able through our part­ners 小草破解版app. Or, vis­it our 小草破解版app for more de­tails.

PubliCast™: get notified when we publish

We have re­cently launched Pub­liCast, a ser­vice that no­ti­fies read­ers of new re­search art­icles that we pub­lish. You can opt to be no­ti­fied by email when we pub­lish an art­icle in a sub­ject cat­egory of your choice, or in an MSP journ­al of your choice, or even when MSP pub­lishes an art­icle that cites your work. Please sign up at pub­

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